California Dental Insurance, Is dental insurance is needed for new born baby?
Question: I failed to enroll my baby to my current dental insurance plan I received though my employer. The next open enrollment to add her is not until January 2016. By then she will be a little over a year old. Should I wait it out or buy a dental insurance plan just for her?
Answer: The American Dental Association advises that a child should see a dentist by their first birth day or when they cut their first tooth. With that said, it can be difficult to find a dental insurance plan for just a minor. Most dental insurance plan will not write and individual dental insurance plan on a minor. This means you would need to buy a couple plan. Whether or not you decide you should buy a plan another dental or wait it out is up to you. However keep in mind many insurance plan also have waiting periods or required that you keep the plan for at least a year, therefore it may not be worth the cost of buying a second plan so make sure it would be cost effective for you to do so.